Terms and Conditions of Use
By visiting Who’s Got Pockets and using its services, you agree to all terms, policies, and conditions contained herein. You agree that you are permitted to use this site and its services under applicable law. You will indemnify and hold harmless Who’s Got Pockets and its creators from any suit, claim, or action arising from use of this site. You agree to adhere to any and all rules imposed by the DRE (Department of Real Estate), your MLS, your Broker, NAR (National Association of Realtors) (if you are a member), and you agree to stay in compliance with any applicable rules or laws prior to posting any listings. It is the site users responsibility to research and understand all applicable laws, rules, and regulations prior to the sharing of information. You will not solicit or self-promote. You agree to not recommend or promote outside vendors or affiliates (e.g. staging companies, lenders, cleaners, escrow etc.). The use of this site and its services does not give you any ownership, rights, or interest to any of the content you have accessed via this site. Who’s Got Pockets retains the right to charge fees for use and access to its’ site with prior notice. We prohibit the use of our site and services to harass or send unsolicited messages or invitations. To the extent applicable by law, we do not make any promises or warranties about the services we provide.
Who’s Got Pocket’s may collect and retain all information voluntarily disclosed and shared on its’ site. This information includes your name, email address, DRE#, brokerage information, photos, and listing information. This information may be used to facilitate Who’s Got Pockets mission of promoting networking and supporting real estate agents. Who’s Got Pockets is committed to protecting all information collected from its’ site and does not currently share this information with third parties. While the Who’s Got Pockets’ website may contain links to other websites, we do not share information to those websites, and their website’s privacy policy will govern any information entered on their site. For more information, or to opt out of the use of collected information, you may email: liz@whosgotpockets.com.